Our Standing Committees help the UCDC meet our mission and provide services and support to local committees and candidates. Discover what committees do and how you can be involved.


Voter Outreach Committee

Amy Fradon, Vice Chair for Voter Outreach

The Voter Outreach Committee works to help Ulster County voters participate confidently in the democratic process. Activities include:

  • The Neighbor-to-Neighbor program, UCDC’s relational canvassing effort to build relationships with Democratic voters and get them to the polls

  • Voter registration drives

  • The “Democracy Tent” — a traveling hub of civic education and democratic engagement

  • The Youth Outreach Team — Democratic youth engaging peers in the political process


Fundraising Committee

Alex Wojcik, Vice Chair for Fundraising

The Fundraising Committee organizes events and activities to raise the funds necessary for the UCDC to operate and support our candidates.


Campaign Support Committee

Lin Sakai, Vice Chair for Campaign Support

The Campaign Support Committee maintains communications with and provides logistical support to Democratic candidates running for public office, coordinates a countywide effort to get out the vote, and helps coordinate the petitioning process to ensure our candidates get on the ballot each year.


Diversity & Party Building Committee

Marisa McClinton, Vice Chair for Diversity & Party Building

The Diversity and Party Building Committee conducts outreach to underrepresented constituencies and aligned organizations, provides diversity education to committee members, and works to support our Town & City Committees with logistical party building support.


Communications Committee

Taylor Bruck, Vice Chair for Communications 

The Communications Committee manages UCDC’s communications with the public, and supports the Standing Committees with respect to their communications needs.